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((( Hoppin In Da Hood )))

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My friend and I were skating this day...Then....both our decks BROKE!!!! Right when we skated they broke. so we were bored so we FUCKED AROUND AND ACTED STUPID. Check out the GANGSTA SPORT. called STREET HOPPIN!
(Supose to be funny, those who skate, bmx, etc.)

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Okay this isn't one of your best ones but i'm just here to say one thing to those jackasses who think their better than anyone else with their shitass reviews.Look fist of all those who think they are better in real life (not on this portal ya dumb-asses or on the internet you gayfags)should first state why they have such a good personality.I mean I've read the reviews of all these movies and in every single one of them there is a)a premature fucker who's acting childish acting like they know flash and can make super dope movies
or b)A 30 year old who's jobless and hangs around all day an night on this portal and has no real life or friends.
So don't go talking that you have better personality or skills than grasshoppa or any of his friends (or like me people who like his work).

Masta-GrassHoppa responds:

thanks homie dawg.


If you've ever watched a skating video you'll find this to be funny. It's so absurd, I couldn't stop laughing at that dude running around jumping off shit and sticking the landings. Bravo.


why do you make this shit its retarded i dont know how much money you had to pay that cameraman to fallow you but you jumping over things isnt that interesting

Masta-GrassHoppa responds:

uhh..who said i was serious?


You dissapoint me, when I first saw your "Knox Hate" film which was release no too long ago. I was expecting something good out of this one. I didn't put you as my favorite 3rd animator for no reason. Now I'm demoting you to last just so I can bookmark you. What the hell? Out of Order?!?!?

Masta-GrassHoppa responds:

how did i disapoint you?


you guys must be my clones lol.. I love doing this sort of crap. i loved it when he did some funky one footed stal on the stairs in the beginning.. lol i always do that on benches.. lol.. loved it. don't get why the others dont...

make more.. and send them to me too lol

- seb

Credits & Info

2.34 / 5.00

Jul 7, 2004
7:47 AM EDT