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Jimmy and Dex DVD

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I always wanted to try making one of these, so i did. I put alot of work into this, so enjoy.

PS: dont forget to check out the special features.

-=|x|=- The Cobra -=|x|=-

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Its still a .swf,lol,funny though,but its too bad there wernt any voices,or music,the sound effects were too few too,the animation was ok,but it could use a lot of improvement.Keep up the good work!


not the best, not the worst

Alright jeff, it wasnt orgasmic, and it wasnt chop off your penis good, but around the middle

your very lucky

know why???im giving u a four


This movie was sad. first off if your so lame you can't do voices at least make sure that the text is easily readable. No more blue text on blue back ground, or black text on black baground. that was just retarded. second, the jokes were boring and un-funny. your animation sucked, just completely, and the super punch-out trailer, the adio was so grossly off beat with the video that I couldn't stand to watch the whole thing

The-Cobra16 responds:

Whoa Wizkid you must feel some high and mighty after dising my movie like that but you know what the funny thing is, you suck and you can't do any better. have a nice day

I wasted 1 minute and a 1/2 on this

One question, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!!!! this had nothing, nothing! please go back to your computer and try again.

Credits & Info

3.62 / 5.00

Jul 6, 2004
9:35 AM EDT