Hey person who made this flash, sorry to be rude, but.. What was the bloody point to this flash? I mean.. A hippo? Why not a chicken?
Hippo and Gravity.... a very bad mixture with devastating consequences!
Hey person who made this flash, sorry to be rude, but.. What was the bloody point to this flash? I mean.. A hippo? Why not a chicken?
Pretty good!
lol,that was unexpected.I thought the hippo was going to fall on the dude though.This was really funny!Keep up the great work!
something about it that made me love it!!!!!
Dude you totally rule!
That was amazing!! It's a rarity to find such a talent in being truly random like that. You and your friends should be proud. Keep on animating and I will keep on watching my brother of ROCK!
dude...whats with the red dress???!!!
that was really funny dude, like lonewolf said, a decent time killer, but maybe a little music next time, unless u think it woulld have killed the effect...anyway, what is up with the red dress?i dont get it...but it was still pretty funny!
the red dress? that was inspired by the goog ol' special k adverts... i was thinkin about music, but it would have spoilt the mood as you said. anywho cheers for watchin. (that was my first of many more)