Use more time...
Making those damn games! Use maybe 20 minutes+++++++++++++
i decided to change it this is somthing me and my friend made when were were like 8 or 9 lol
Use more time...
Making those damn games! Use maybe 20 minutes+++++++++++++
Im giving you a 1
It was so stupid it made me laugh a little,you need more work it seems your trying to make movies in 2 or 3 hours,Take your time,make a script make a story board or something,im making my movie and im thinking it will be ready in 1 month ,just take it easy and work hard on something then hit us with something big,you might have potential,but dont give urself a bad name by submiting this kind of movies.Just an advice.
Before you do voice-overs for a movie, NEVER TAKE HELIUM. Either that, or wait a few months for puberty.
U dont have to have flash on ng to know that this is just about the stupidest and worst flash on ng. A retard could pull better shit out of his ass. And to top it all off you havent even reached puberty yet. stupid little kids.
^^ lol immaturity kids who never grew up he says "j00" and he thinks hes a hax0r WOW thats said SCRIPT KIDDIE everybody LAUGH
u dont have any flash on ng i guess u have NO TALENT EITHER HM?
that sucked
dont bother making anymore cause that movie sucked and blowed at the same time
oh yes cuz ur just swarming with flash files on ng ur self right?