Well it's overall yet another decent FBF animation. Would be even better with music though, and more colors. Keep up the good work!
Ok some time to be made. And it will still take some more time since i have much to add, a decent music for instance...
The song is complete you can keep listening until the end.. i personally didn't hear it with the music...
I plan on finishing this shit and deleting this entry and re-submit it.
Ahn.. i don't think there is much to add...
Well it's overall yet another decent FBF animation. Would be even better with music though, and more colors. Keep up the good work!
Wow you must be a master cartoonist to make it morph like that. Also it has good music well done.
Wow, i really find it difficult to believe this is not sarcasm, but it doesn't soun like it =]
I actually just started animating and saw where the shapes went and voila, I had no idea, AT ALL of what I was going to do before it was actually done =]
My cartooning skills are very limited though, sorry to say you're wrong =/
BUT STILL thanks for the review and the overall critic!
Very nice FBF movie
I loved the background music on this flash, sounds like a great song to me. Of the FBF movies I've seen this one is probably one of the best. There was great transition between elements and was very interesting. You do a pretty nice job on your flashes. Nice job.
Holy Cannoli!
Thanks! A lot! The transitions went smoothly because I didn't know what I was gonna draw until I actually draw it :P But thanks man! Your review really meant to me!
Needs improvements
Well, since you enjoyed so much from my past review, I had to review an other one of your movies. It was a pretty good movie, I usually enjoy these kinds of movies and this one wasn't differ. However, I do think that there is room for improvements.
The graphics was actually pretty good, but it could have been a lot better. Although I know that you did it purposely, I think that a background (made exactly like you made the charecters\objects) would add a lt to the graphics of the movie and to the movie itself. Not only a background would add a lot to the graphics, but also coloring the the charecters\objects which you are making. I know that it may hurt the current artstyle in the movie, but it, for my opinion, would make the movie better. Also, I believe that if you would wonder arround the frames of your movie, you will find a few drawing which could be made a lot better.
The style was pretty good as well. As I said before, the graphics has a style and a pretty good one, but ti could be better. The fact that the only colors in the movie are red and black maybe is stylish, but if you added colors, for my opinion, it would be more stylish. the directing of the movie was fine, I like the way you connected between every two drawings in a special way whch i couldn't think of. I also like the actual way you transformed from each drawing to an other.
The sound was pretty nice, although I didn't personally like it, it matched the movie. the sound also matched the style of the movie, although, once again, I think that you could have found a lot better sound to put in the movie. Something maybe which could match the actuall accurances in the movie itself rather than just the style of it. However, in general, the sound was fine.
As I said before, the movie is really creative, I could not not show that I am deeply impressed from the way it goes. I enjoy looking at those drawings moving along and turning to other shapes and objects. I think that the way you managed to animate it FBF is increadible. However, the movie is too short and if you would have made it longer, it would have been nice. Also, the movie starts without a "play" button", which is a big shame.
Anyway, it is a pretty good movie, nice FBF, very artistic, well done.
First off, I'm drunk, so i Might write BS.
Secondly, KICK ASS!
Again, I loved your review. I do think It's a shame you didn't come early when I was working on these =D
Maybe I should start toing this again... Ah well, anyways, who knows.
Indeed, graphics were of course sketchy and lame, but I have a imit with my talent, and this movie MIGHT be it... Don't really think so, though.
And again, my laziness and impatience fucked me up. Damn, I should see somebody about this...
Alas, I don't know what alas means.
The color thingy, the only thing I disagree, I don't think it would be anything near dynamic if I colored it all... I'd look like Flashe's Shape twinning in my opinion.
Animated BG - I'd love that, seriously would, In fact I tried, and got to the conclusion I suck at drawing. So i had two options, with the LAME ASS bg or without, so I went without. But I do agree it would look much better with a decent changin' one =)
Connecting 2 drawings - All I did was draw whatever came up in my mind, that meaning, WHAT-THE-FUCK-EVER so it turned out like I was on LSD or something(I wasn't even drunk)(My mind is kinda weird there =P)
Sound - I got very excited when I found this song, not because of the song itself, (wich I hate) It just had the vibe of the movie, and so I put it in there(quick note: I never heard it with the music until long after i had uploaded it)
FBF, my ADD just claims for it :D and it always looks nicer to me =]
I know this movie wasn't the world's best movie, and never expected it to be. But I am greatful for every little defect you pointed out.
btw, the Play button and the loading.
I really can't remember why the fuck I didn't add those correctly, maybe I'm just plain stupid or something...
Anywys, THANKS FOR THE REVIEW! Really, Again.
I do hope I animate in the future So I can ut all the critics I have received into practice =D
Bye,man. Thanks again!
this was cool...
....but the music sucked...
...techno is shit...
Thank you very much.
I actually don't listen to techno, but people often hate punk rock, hardcore and emo core in flashes, so i thouhgt techno/dance/whatever would sound better, i chose this song randomly, i actualy sent it without seeing it with sound. So there ya go =) Thanks for the review and specially the trouble to write it.