. . .
The voices were hilarious. Then a used tampon which I'm pretty sure was actual blood... Oh god that's gross.
yet somehow funny
1st review for this movie
Ew! that sucked!
response: heeheheheh I rule
This is a period piece. LITERALLY!!!!
Actually, it's also a heartwarming but tragic tale of a family not unlike yours or mine.
. . .
The voices were hilarious. Then a used tampon which I'm pretty sure was actual blood... Oh god that's gross.
yet somehow funny
1st review for this movie
Ew! that sucked!
response: heeheheheh I rule
hahahaha! thanks!
Arg, scruptilicious!!!
Ahoy matey, me difinitely gobbled this one to bits! T'was funny, and I'm proud to say that you have influenced me to submit a few movies I've made. Once I submit them, you should check them out, you might like 'um. Har, scalliwag, keep up the good work. And did I mention that me gobbled it to bits? Oh, I did? Damn...
not funny at all
but sad :( poor judith. everyone looks at and laughs BUT DOESNT THINK OF POOR BILLY IN BED EXPECTING TO WAKE UP IN HIS MOTHERS ARMS.. where was i? oh yeah..make the sequal where JUDITH COMES BACK TO LIFE AND KILLS THE FEMALE WHO USED HER!!!!
"...a Family not unlike your or mine." ???
My mom and dad aren't tampons, and I'm am not a tampon either.
that was by far your best work
I have seen most of your stuff, that beats most things out here at newgrounds, you are an elite in my mind! Thank you oh great lord for you entertaining movies, I will worship a wine bottle just like the corks now. Will you have my baby?