WHEN will episodes follow?
It's been almost four years, dude... where are you?
I'm a big fan of Happy Tree Friends. Always wanted to create a parody of it. Well, the wait is over as I present this teaser trailer. Episodes will follow. Enjoy!
WHEN will episodes follow?
It's been almost four years, dude... where are you?
Hilarious Names!Funny!!!
"Walang Modo"That's FUNNY!LOL!
It's true "No Modo"
You must be a filipino
good work.
good work dude!I notced that you replaced the word mondo into the tagalog word "walang modo" that was hilarious!!!
fukkin crap muvver fukker!
OMG u fukkin knobhed i agree with ed i woz just watchin happy tree friends so i came on this 2 find more and u made this piece of shit!!!!!! i hope u die like wen cuddles woz gutted by flippy (me being flippy)
OMG!!!! WTF!
I h8 u cuz u disgraced the happy tree friends omg wtf did they do to u ahhhh if i where 1 of the fuckin happy tree friends id fukin beat the crap out of u
sincerely, fuckin pissed