matthew lesko is a spaz!
Based on the Infomercial Guy, Matthew Lesko.
matthew lesko is a spaz!
I usually like your stuff.
Funny flash with that infomercial guy with the ?'s jacket. Nice parody, the only thing bad was that the voices didn't quite match with the animation, like some parts he'd be moving his mouth and there's no sound coming out. Fix that up and it'll be perfect!!!
Not sure...
Don't really get that at all, must be a US joke right? Doesn't really matter anyway, oh but like the last guy wrote, its the chinese that can only have 1 child, not the Japanese
:) good work
lmao... Those Mitsubishi MDMA pills has an advisers going around about them. they've been know to kill with little dosage..and thats Chinese children Not japanese ;),...good job