What's with the gay music and voiceovers? THis is like if you tried to flush it down the toilet, it'd spit it out and murder you(the toilet), and it made nodamn sense!
I worked for over 15 non stop on this so i hope you guys really really like it...enjoy. ow yhea...i know that it's humorless lol:P but i just wanted to make a short. The next one will be alot better!!
What's with the gay music and voiceovers? THis is like if you tried to flush it down the toilet, it'd spit it out and murder you(the toilet), and it made nodamn sense!
What the fuck was that shit?!
Made no sense.Absolutely shit and you all know it!
I can see the character setting having potential, but that was a waste of my time, a little elaboration goes a long way
Wat the fuck was that
Wat the fuck was that, that moive sucked, and it had no killing in it wat the fuck is that?
so these two guys are in this room, strong start. and then its established that it is indeed hot in that room, okay, i like the direction this is heading... then it is shown that one of our little friends has a plan, a devious plot. this sounds good. he gets a bucket of water... and splashes his friend. the end. what!?! is there some big joke im missing? wouldn't the friend like being splashed if it is indeed warm? if so why is it presented as being a mean thing to do? i guess it was just over my head.