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Crimson Moon Ep 2 Prt 1/3

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The content you are about to see has Vampires in it and such, don't watch if you don't like that kind of stuff.

May 3rd 2008
After 4 long years I am currently reworking Crimson Moon#2 to be submitted in full when complete.

Stories so far:
Sara (A vampire hunter) meets up with Ky at the end of Crimson Moon Ep1 and tried to kill Ky, Ky defeated here but didn't kill her. Sara offered her help but Ky believes that no one can help him. So in CM#2 Sara runs after Ky only to end up in a middle of a Blood Festival, when the Crimson Moon rises every 200 years and all the vampires around the world parties and feast on fresh blood.

Thanks to Artist who submit to the Audio Portal and those who have helped me along the way and Newgrounds.

Jason "Danthi" Whalley

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honest and truley

it obviously has potential on the count of it having vampires in it.
but the animation could be alot better..kids who think they can be all anime artist cause they have the "basics" if that down...and it still looks dumb.
uhm...faces...make them more detailed...not so much lke its a 5 year old attempting anime.cause thats what it struck me as. the colorig was alright. but you need to make thme no so damn stiff...and goofy looking.

Danthi responds:

I thank you for your honest review, through your criticism I can better my animations

Jason 'Danthi" Whalley

preatty good, do more

t'was preatty good, you should do more, it could be good, you never know.

P.S: bloodmisterss wins the prize for most vampire-obssesed-goth!

Danthi responds:

I know it has been a few years since I have worked on any creative work, I think it is time I changed that. I shall do more.

Jason "Danthi" Whalley

oooh,hunter is caught!!

man,this is making me wish more and more i was a vampire....buuut,all i got is fang-like caines,and a lust for blood...which i still have by the way!!i need a way to get blood...anyway,AWESOME flash...i love the effects your gettin in there....and whoo,the hunter was caught<kill the hunter!!!>...cant wait for the final episode!!

Danthi responds:

I'm sorry that I am making you wait so long for the final episode and the satisfaction to your lust for blood BloodMistress, I hope that you will be around when I submit Crimson Moon #2 Full to the portal.

Jason "Danthi" Whalley

Another Crimson Moon

Hey, tis been awhile so I thought I'd check to see if the next Crimson Moon episode was up. It was and I was not disapointed... Except of course of the length... Too short (But I suppose that is why it is only Part 1 of 3). Anyway, I'm a fan, keep up the awesome work! ^_^

Danthi responds:

Sorry *bows in shame* My computer crashed, and having no job didn't help the situation ether, so I haven't work on any flash for the longest time....I hope you will still come back once part 2 and 3 are relised...Oh I am getting fans sweet!! I can send you an email when they are ready. Sorry for long nothingness...

Jason "Danthi" Whalley


Shouldn't her other eye have shut, since that was the eye that the hand/arm was right next to? I like the voice in the beginning (that was you, wasn't it?) But I think the way he/you talks should be worked on a bit. Like, he/you pauses at random places... And you should have voices throughout the entire thing, too. And you're graphics aren't the best, but I can tell what they are, and it's mostly just how they move that makes them not as great; you can draw better than I can. ^^ I love the plot and storyline and whatever, though.

Danthi responds:

Hummm that's something I over looked. Yes it was my voice, I am going to work on getting different voice actors for my characters, except for the Grand Vampire, who will show up next ep. I did have plans to have voices through out the movie but the files where corrupted and unusable. What usually happens with my movies it that I take too long on them and just get tired of working on them and start to get really sloppy.
Thanks Jibbitessa for your review and pointing out things I have missed.

Jason "Danthi" Whalley

Credits & Info

3.26 / 5.00

Jun 17, 2004
7:13 PM EDT
  • Daily 5th Place June 18, 2004