it was an alright animation... considering it was made 5 years ago. the animation itself was alright.. pretty random overall but had a good idea behind it.
Playing with mouth animations and some Al Pacino wav files. Figured you might like them. And that's Al Pacino...not Chachi.
it was an alright animation... considering it was made 5 years ago. the animation itself was alright.. pretty random overall but had a good idea behind it.
Too bland
The sound was a little hard to understand at some points, but for a first entry, it beats anything I could make. More visual is need to keep an audience more entertained, keep working and I'm sure it'll turn out great. I didn't find it too funny either, but maybe someone out there will.
Fricken' sweet
Dude, that was really funny. I'm not being sarcastic either. That's a great use of sounds, the animation was well, the same thing over and over and over but you know, it wasn't really meant for lots of fancy movements right? Just sound, woo. But that was a really good timed sound thing.. Bleh. You know..n' stuff. I hope to see more from you.
You fairy!
Keep up the good work, you company man! LOL
man this is a peace of shit
why do they always put bad flash movies on ng i hope you get beter than maybe i can look at your movie i stopt looking