Well then...
Apparently this didn't get too far as in when Magus' face was zoomed in him smiling kept looping and that was about it,the animation wasn't good but wasn't god horrid either and the clock voices wasn't really neccessary.
I just want to know what you think of the drawing! I was planning on makin a series like this instead of sprites! So please review and tell me if i should continue!
Well then...
Apparently this didn't get too far as in when Magus' face was zoomed in him smiling kept looping and that was about it,the animation wasn't good but wasn't god horrid either and the clock voices wasn't really neccessary.
You need to get out more
i think you need some REAL friends, ditch your electronic buddies n.e.r.d
Well I know most of the people who make good movies on newgrounds anyways. I dont need to know what you think of the movie!
hoodhk_47 made me do it:P
he keeps bragging about your movie but sorry, it's not that good:(
Well dont worry I have good movies anyway, so these are like my first so whatever!
You need to be executed. My IQ has dropped by seeing just how god-awful this film is.
Buy Techapluk!
With Techapluk, I have veiwed this flash in my refridgerator! Buy Techapluk! LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH LAGUJ FHFJEAKLLAUGH LAUGHAGHUALGH UALGAHUGHA I love you techapluk is teh winnd