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-Password Protection-

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This tutorial teaches you how to restrict access to hidden levels, websites and anything that you want only people who know the password to be able to view, open or download. Enjoy!

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omg thank you

i have been searching forever for a tut like this... i had everything right except one little thing and it through everything off... sorry about saying my tut was original i really didn't know about this. but the combination lock was original and the button thing... but i could never get one like this to work... i am goin to revise my tut and repost

thank you

I'm sorry because I can't give you a ten, but you helped me very much
I would like to give you a ten

I'm sorry, again :'(


I can tell you made this really fast without much effort, but it took me forever to actually find a password tutorial that worked. Good job yours works unlike all the other ones I've tried. I would like to know how to use more than 1 password though, that would be cool.

scripting knowlige upgraded

now what script do i need if i like to have multiple passwords to work.???

id like to know.

4 outa 5.. nice tut.

Not so great.

Okay, FIRST of all, I was able to bypass your password with a simple right-click and clicking Forward. It took me to a screen that said the password was wrong, then I hit Forward again.

Also, your images were pretty hard to make out. You don't need to compress them so much since the tutorial relies specifically on them. It's like cropping music to only 20 seconds in a music video.

And finally, this tutorial is really pointless, since anyone who has an extremely basic knowledge of ActionScript and is not a retard could figure out how to make the most obvious of if statements.

Now if you had combined this tutorial with the one that disables the right-click menu (which was undeniably useful, but also extremely lacking), I would have given it a much higher score.

Credits & Info

2.55 / 5.00

Jun 12, 2004
12:58 PM EDT