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FF Mini Storys 12

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Episode 12-- Cloud and Barney are on the white house tour and talk real dirty about their sex life!!!

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Ohh this was interesting

Well i will admit it did make me laugh with barney and all, it was entertaining, i would suggest that the text box be removed and you add voices or something, it was an amusing flash though

Add some voiceovers

Entertaining video here



kind of gay but its okay....

so different

Well Cyber I don't know what to say.. I hate giving this a negative review but It deserves it :(
This seems like a total change form the other FF mini story, the style has completely chnaged and you have used ugly sprites and a cut-out picture of barney against a REAL photo... not a good move.
Not only does the whole thing look ugly but the content isn't much better either, this has turned into some kind of lame rap song that is trying to be funny but doesn't quite pull it off. Sorry :(

You have just been reviewed by


right cloud strife is not gay. you said you'd stop dissing cloud. from your first ffms cartoon you have improved the text and sprites. the part that made me laugh was barney but that was it. not very bad. but you need to improve.

right to some weird reviewer. ha can't be a bitch ass faggot

bitch: a feme dog

ass: someones butt

faggot a gay

that would make him a girl dos ass thats gay?!


That was corny but i liked that song of that guy making fun of Limp Bisket. U should make a flash of funny ass songs but as a music video.

Credits & Info

2.41 / 5.00

Jun 11, 2004
6:16 PM EDT