It plauin goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo od
Just a little School Project for science!
It plauin goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo od
what an odd place to post your project... ('-_-)
well, I enjoyed seeing your project as much as the next person... and... this is really something I don't see everyday... but i was expecting something... i dunno... a bit more spontaneous?
you could've changed a few things in your project to make it more interesting here in NG... like making up that Coriolis is actually bacteria or something.. i dunno... more flair?... anyway, it's good. short and very simple enough for a science project... good luck on your next project, i guess...^^
((( OK )))
Well notbad, its cool, i like dit but it ran extreamly slow and all, and that kinda ruins the effect, the b&w was cool and nice audio, just ran really slow in animation, notbad stuff though, keep it up...
a bit short, but it was an alright movie.
it really would've better had it been longer.
its aright
good but boring. channel your energies to making a cartoon