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Tweening at its Finest

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First, if you are a complete noob, check out my beginner tut first, then this one, then my 'your first game' one. That is the best order if you are new to flash.

Second, know that my mic is very low quality. I do not have a lisp, and I know that I need a new mic. SO DON'T REMIND ME.

Hope you learn something from this, I had someone suggest I do a tweening tutorial so, here it is, both motion and shape at its finest!

Edit: Fixed a bug with the play/pause buttons.

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not too bad

i like how you can skip around to different parts.

or can you? i didn't try.

anyways your voice needs a little work. you're accentuating your Bs and Ps too much, and you're talking too close to the mic as well, so try talking farther away from the mic, while speaking slightly louder. that always works for me.

anyways your tutorial didn't help at all >:(

......naw im just saying that cuz i knwo all that stuff already.
im mean.

thx dude really helpfull

thanx a lot that helped me out so much

graphics: nicely done
style: great
sound: nicely explained but no offense m8 ur voice got a little annoying
violence: its a tutorial -_-
interactivity: plenty of buttons :)
humor: same as violence

overall: wd mate keep it up

also to ppl who have just voted 10 for everything plz explain where there is any violence or humor :P

luminousnerd responds:

Thanks for the review, I'm glad it was helpful!

OMG Thank you!

Dude you are a saint! I couldn't understand anything until this. This is probably one of the only tutorials with voice in it and that really made all the diffrence! Thanks Man Keep em' coming!

luminousnerd responds:

Thanks a ton! I'm glad I could help you out!


Ok, This Tutorial is Boring.
-It was made when you were like 8 O_o or atleast thats what it sounds like. Ok you were 13 right? Well anyways it wasnt too explanational. All i heard was...um.....uh.......and thats it.

Try to Show it better And Buttons to go NEXT and PREVIOUS so it doesnt go to fast so the person can view it bit by bit. And Do the same thing you doing at the same time. MORE Pictures also. Like use a SCREEN RECORDER Program next time. And show it by that.

That will be better.

So Try Better Next Time,

Tsunami Productions

luminousnerd responds:

I was 13. It sounds like I was a gay 8 year old, I know. But that should make it interesting, not boring, lol. That was the quality of the microphone.

There were a lot of ums and uhs, and in the future I'll have to create scripts before the interviews. These voice tutorials were mostly just an experament to see how people liked them. I'm thinking they need text AND voice, and then they'll be liked.

I can't use a screen recorder because A) There are no good ones except the one that costs $300, which I don't have at the moment. And B) 2 minutes of that takes the Flash up to maximum size, so I wouldn't be putting it on NG.

Thanks for the suggestions

what a load of crappy crap crap

(I will try not to be mean)
You really need to be doing something esle besides flash. Find a christain camp or something. You aren't getting much better. I on the other hand, am 13 and have a daily feature and a front page under my belt. The only thing you have to show for your 'hard work' is a C+ batting average. Do some stuff with a plot, or a random fbf movie (those are quite easy to make) Any way, PRACTISE or GO AWAY. Those are your options

luminousnerd responds:

You don't need to try to be mean...you already were with the title. Your message is ridiculous, to begin with this was a very useful tutorial that many enjoyed. Secondly, you NEVER tell someone something like that, I guarantee you that every single professional animator has been told crap like that, the ones that make it are the ones that ignore it.

Credits & Info

2.11 / 5.00

Jun 1, 2004
8:07 PM EDT