dude.. this is a rip off the old version which was better anyways
If you haven't seen Lord Of The Rings, you wouldn't get it. VOTE FAIR!
dude.. this is a rip off the old version which was better anyways
is this a re-vamp or are you ripping off the other toon??
i love this tune! haha make me giggle =)
the bad version
ahh! this is the bad version of the 'taters song. The better graphics version is on albinoblacksheep (am I allowed to say that) =)
this was hillariouse thanks
This is just...amazing. I absolutely love the song, and since it has Lord of the Rings, more power to ya! I was actually walking around school today humming it...boil 'em mash 'em stick 'em in a stew...