I know the
I know the ghraphics...( i cant spell today) are bad in part of the humor but some times i cant even tel what something is.... the voices are... ok ( thinking upon humor ) but trie to keep it allitle easier to understand...
A brand new adventure starring our heroic lobster! Yay!
I know the
I know the ghraphics...( i cant spell today) are bad in part of the humor but some times i cant even tel what something is.... the voices are... ok ( thinking upon humor ) but trie to keep it allitle easier to understand...
i just didnt get it............
i think thats the way it shuld be.....
i guess........i like it.
(im still confused)
i have no idea the flash portal would put me here and i haven't watch the rest of the lobster flashes. anyway graphics are good sounds u made all by yourself.......the clicking sound is annoying for me the sounds is braking my eardrums i hate it.........< stop that clicking sound change the pitch of it
man, Yarharhar, you make me go "Yar har har" hehe get it. uhg, that was terrible...
((( LOL )))
Ha this was cute, it made me laugh, love the text sound intro haha, and nice characters abit simple but notbad, cant wait to see more episodes...