Wow! Very good!
I started on this sequel and then stopped for some time, but managed to finish it off. Enjoy and leave a review.
The moves are inspired from games like Prince of Persia, Tenchu, etc.
Wow! Very good!
This was the best. Also i liked the matrix scences =D
Honest review
I have watched both this and The Climb 1 and both seem to be very similar in that your animations seem very stiff and awkward at times. I mean I know it is a flash animation and that it took you a good deal of time and effort to make but it really is hard to get into it if it looks like the main character came packaged in a box labeled "lego". The idea you have is decent what with the whole prince of persiaish platformy kind of thing and I would say that you could benefit from a new animating style or perspective.
Well what can I say, this animation is 5 years old and I have not animated in quite some time so I do not deny that my skill of those days is sub par.
Once again pretty sweet!
I thought that this video climbs above all the rest, it was really well done. I commend you for you use of 3D, i thought that was pretty neat! Although i think that after the stick kicked the spikey ball, he would be down on the ground riving in pain. LOL. (Oh and sorry for my pun at the start even I think it's really bad)
Ha ha it's cool. Thank you for your review. Man I haven't done a Flash animation in so long, I really do need to get back into it!
Thanks again!
but its not greate