dead babies...
what could be funnier?
A short on A French Man Eating Babies.
dead babies...
what could be funnier?
I dont understant any words of that chef, WHY?
And of course he dont speak in frensh(j'en suis sure et certain, il marmonne).
And i find it obscene, ok is a flash, but MANGER DES BEBES C'EST PAS MAL INSIGNIFIANT!!
eh... yeah....
was that song in swedish or somthing?
Beats me. I got if from one of 'synj' aka Dan Paladin's animations, man that guy is my hero.
Funny at first then after that.........CRAP!
It was ok but then it spiralled into a world where i shat fire and brimstone and hated this so much i just wanted it to go away FOREVER
JE MANGE LES BEBES!...avec le ketchup
wow never cease to amaze shouldve done my suggestion with the baby trying to crawl out of the oven while itws head explode and then you eat that with crackers.....very nice with wine, a light white perhaps
love it