Very good art work.
I cant wait until you make the next moive.
Please leave feedback positive or negative, you all enjoyed zm1 and ive been working 3 weeks 24/7 now on zm2, so i decided to do this.
Massive respect to anime_pat. BLING
Very good art work.
I cant wait until you make the next moive.
looking good!
Yeah,i cant wait for this to come out!Great that it is allready out,so i dont need to wait,lol.=pThis was great!Keep up the great work!
It seems like you have emproved on everything that was wrong in the first movie. Better background music, hopefully better voices and the same nice graphics. Nice little end replay scene. It would of been better had the trailer had more to show, or else you should rename it to a teaser.
((( NOTBAD )))
Well notbad, it was cool, I do like the zobieies, good artwork on them was cool, the short trailer did not give me much to go on, but still interesting, hope it comes out soon...
8520 reviews?
feeling a bit bored? ride your bike XD
nice work, would love to help out with a zombi massacre 3 or something, my animation has definitely improved and i definitely could be abig help i think...jsut consider the going to release a movie by the end of june called misconception, if u like that, please consider my help
help if j00 want