three letters. W. T. F????
that was sorta random.. some guy starts camping then points the gun at another guys head, screams, and dies. ........... its like he forgot he had the safety on on his gun or something
Wft was that about!
i dont get this one, all it does is shows someone shooting somebody.Heres a thing you need to learn about flash design,you need to have a main concept!
Twas pretty good, I see some Arcade elements reaching a Realistic Simulation of a sniping game (and funny how that dude screams coz he sees this other dude, and he shoots him in the eye that was preddy cool)
Good i havent seen any cs clips in a while,
Very funny especially at start when man walking down hill,it looks like he dropped a big one,and his girly scream more than likely comfirms he proberly dropped a big one.