Great job
You did an exellent job on this short. I found this both imformative and entertaining, and Jesus said it was badass..... finally someone with a bit of sense submits. good work!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
2nd Place Turd of the Week - 05/12/2004
Ugly? Hope not. Nazis sure don't like uglies, as shown in the following historical film.
Vote five. Unless you are ugly and are offended.
Great job
You did an exellent job on this short. I found this both imformative and entertaining, and Jesus said it was badass..... finally someone with a bit of sense submits. good work!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
The graphics were crap
The animation was bad
The sounds were poor
The whole idea is just..... ridiculous, it lacks coherency and point.
front page please
Wudda Been Good
if it wasnt so crap, the animation was OK i geuss, and you know what, nazi's hate uglies and the rest of the world hate nazi's
I wasn't at all offended by the message in that flash..probably because it didn't have one. However, I am offended that I wasted the time to view that sorry piece of crap.