music created the mood
Aha another Time trial challenge - I love the way in these you set yourself a challenge and we all watch the result of it! I don't really have time to review every single flash inside this I'm afraid so I'll sum of them all up:
It was interesting that this time you had to create a flash using the supplied Audio Portal entry and so it was really engrossing watching you all make your own flash to the same sound track, you were all interpreting the music in many different ways through sound and mood which is why I think this a pure work of art. It was so intruiging to see that you all adopted that 'Creepy Theme' (even at the preloader' which suggested you all interpreted the audio in different ways, but all to that same theme.
Overall the graphics were good and the sound supplied was excellent, it had many different angles to looking at it! The music also lets the WATCHER create imagery in his/her head through his so you are reaching out and literally touching the audience through the story you saw through the music. This is one of the very few inspiring flashes that shows us that music CAN tell a story. Really engrossing stuff, well done :)
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