that last song was so sick, i need to know its name
10/10 for the senseless violence
omg how slow is it , plz turn quality down if its slow
more than 10000frames
and 2 weeks of animating
we like to thank everyone that liked this movie
also special thanks to the following people
Angrymouse14- Creator of poninjas
krinkels-Creator of madness combat
and Ty, for the idea from madness dream
Thank you
that last song was so sick, i need to know its name
10/10 for the senseless violence
Idea good...
Madness and humor its okay...
didn't really like the idea and to slow
Milk,Potato Chips,And a Muffin thats pretty much what its about so i didn't really like it
But Its Pretty Funny
Good animation but the idea of this video was just horrible... 2/5, 4/10