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Immaculate Conception

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Ha ok notbad, could affend some people but you also have to look at the humor behind it all, and could be cleaned up like with the art just more effort is needed, keep at it...



Yea, I'm buddhist so I'm not saying that it sucked because i'm all offended or anything
It just sucks. It just sucks like your artwork and sound, and that is almost as bad as your spelling. HA! Sucks!

i don't know man...

i'm catholic (not devout or anything, but still) and i wasn't that offended, it was slightly funny, i voted high (higher than i did for this review) cuz i figured some of my humorless, asshole catholic 'brothers' would blam it in a fit of stupidity, and it doesn't deserve a blam, but it only barely dodges a blam in my opinion. the music cuts out, that is, the sound stops after the bitch stops moaning and past that, it's silent. animation is pretty weak, and Mary looks like a boy. i don't know man, when you make something so potentially offensive, you have to cover your bases by making it good. ya didn't so that. but whatever, it won't get blammed know, so who really gives a fuck. have a jovial day.


Very clever theories for how Mary mysteriously got pregnant from the Holy Spirit. It was entertaining and funny to watch. Obviously we know this probably didn't happen, so this is definitely not something to be taken seriously.

Aside from that, "immaculate conception" is a word made up by the catholic church, which kinda implies that Mary is perfect or without sin. However, Mary was not perfect or without sin. She was one of God's people, just another brother or sister who followed Christ. Though, it's a scary thing when people start worshipping Mary, saying prayers to her instead of God, and calling her "Mother of God". When Jesus spoke of who his true family was, he pointed at his disciples and said, "...Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother." (Matt 12:49-50). Although Mary was Jesus' human mother, Jesus did not say that she was greater than other humans. Can any Catholic prove in the bible anywhere that it says that Mary was perfect or without sin? Or was that merely a catholic doctrine that some pope made up? This kind of reminds me of the other catholic doctrine that claims that the pope is "infallible"(meaning without sin). As it goes, no human is perfect or without sin, except for Christ.


On the one hand, I _am_ catholic. On the other hand, I can take a joke.

For some reason, however, I couldn't find the movie funny or original. I mean, sure, silly theories spring to mind, but the way they are presented make them so slow and obvious you throw in the punch line when there's no humour left.

Any offense I might or might not have taken aside, I can tell you this- if you're making a joke at the expense of someone, make sure it's really fast paced and funny. If you get them to laugh, they forfeit any right to complain.

That said, as a humor movie, I didn't find it very good. As a way to piss people off, I guess it's pretty creative. *shrug*

Credits & Info

2.90 / 5.00

Apr 28, 2004
5:43 PM EDT