i liked the end the most
Well i got sick of this puzzle game, so i decided to make some mario something, its not the best but its something, aint it :D... nahh im just testing i was checking out directions to go in.. just seeing how this goes out, i just got kinda bored of the project :D so quick so i decided to change it from a movie wich suppose to be long into something Unfunny Aftermath, you can blam it if you want but, i dont see why, because people get through with less than that :D...
i liked the end the most
kinda bad
i give you a 1 for effort and time
trust me, i understand, i waaaaaas gonna make it longer and things went a little south that year so :) trust me i know it sucked
Very funny...yet short...
That was very funn but i think you could put a little more into it but other then that it was really cool and how did you get the pixleated thing to make it look just like mario????
it is mario :)
Not bad; a little cliche, but then, they become chiches for a <b>reason</b> ^_^
Graphics were a little blurry beyond the pixellation, but then remember the source. Sound was equally faithful.
Style and Humor and Violence were all fine. My only nitpick would be a 'play' button before starting up the movie - too a tiny amount off Interactivity.
All-in-all, short, sweet and funny. Thanks for the moment of levity!
(oh, and to the previous reviewer; 'blamming' would be voting on a new game/movie still under judgment and giving it a 0 or 1 - enough of those, and the flash gets removed; anything higher would be considered a 'protect'...<i>if</i> consensus is to keep it.)
well it was a dream to create some huge project but i got so bored i just killed it and created a end and threw it in here =D.
I thought ive seen it all that was ok i thought it was a good work i mean i dont no how to blam for peat sakes and im jugding work but over all good job