Interresting concept, but maybe make it more complex? :)
I.E. an increasing amount of balls fall from the top of the stage, each ball that hits the bottom despawns and gives you negative points, but each ball hit gives you positive points.
Update \\----------------------
Damn, I didn't expect people to like this so much. Well, for those of you who did like it, keep in touch with the Alphas, as Bounce Teh Balls Revamped! is already in the works.
I made this out of boredom, but found it to be quite addicting. So, I decided to see if it would make Newgrounds. Just keep the balls bouncing!
Interresting concept, but maybe make it more complex? :)
I.E. an increasing amount of balls fall from the top of the stage, each ball that hits the bottom despawns and gives you negative points, but each ball hit gives you positive points.
just doesn't
27, 29, 25, 32. Quit.
++++ Intuitive.
--- fairly soon, left and right will fall simultaneously, which is impossible to catch. Though we can try and prevent this, by timing the hitting of the balls (as we get a window of time to do so), this just isn't realistic.
-- flashing hurt my eyes.
The game just doesn't work as I think you meant it to. Preventing disaster seems random.
Shame to see it never remade.
nice game
its fun
top score: 47
This Game is a great creation, is too adictive
Max score 34
this game is very addictive
yes, VERY addictive. i got 27 seconds! YEAH!!