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Richard's Birthday Card

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Behold, portal viewers, my first submission in many years. We have been producing this movie for an unrecorded, unfathomable amount of time for the single purpose of your entertainment. So prepare yourself to see - no - EXPERIENCE our production today.

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[QuantumWolf here... We're making it a point to answer every (yes, that's right, EVERY) review, and I'll be taking care of that... so keep 'em coming! It's great to hear what you think!]

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if my name was richard and i was from australia and it was my birthday id smile. too bad this isnt the case.


Lol that was nice of you to design a flash like birthday card for all the richards out there i am sure they are happy, and abit of the australian atmosphere was a nice touch to it, and i liked how you added color to it

Apocalypse Moose HAHA!!

I grew up in Moose Jaw, and it is nice to see for once that the Moose can be respected as an evil animal that deserves the utmost respect. The animation was sorta surrealistic, I that I like...sigh...too short, but hey!!! It's not the size that counts.

Doodler responds:

Heh... well... to be honest, the moose was sort of another random element that we just threw in. :P This animation wasn't meant to be particularly long, though, but we expect our next project to be a lot more substantial. :P

Holy Moose!!!

Not bad... nice song... other than that, just plain weird...

Doodler responds:

Holy moose indeed. The song was definitely a lot of fun, yes... and the weirdness was intentional. "Kangaroo... Australian for weird."

\('O')/ <(gaooooo!!!)

wow, whatever you were smoking, send me some too!! nice flash!

Doodler responds:

I've been informed that we were smoking fecal matter, and that you'll be receiving a shipment shortly. Thanks for the review!

Credits & Info

3.01 / 5.00

Apr 16, 2004
3:31 AM EDT