9831 in a cuple tries
An exciting game for the whole family! Click and toss the hinge to spin it, and hit the guy while you're at it!
Thanks for the awesome score folks!
9831 in a cuple tries
The game is easy but it is very addictive too !
I would give you 4.5 stars if there was a highscore board.
btw. my score is 41355 ft. I don't even know how :P
And the hilarity ensues!
14,200 is my best...although it took me f_cking forever to get it.
Hilariously entertaining game that never gets old.
thats amazing i love how youve made such a simple thing so interesting by encouragin people to hit it further my best was 10579 feet great work :)
How is this getting such a good response? Seriously, it's an age-old game concept that's been re-done a million times. And this one isn't even done well. There's no music, no sound other than the "Whack" and the landing noise. The field is boring, there's nothing out there to hit. Overall this isn't anything new or interesting. I'd rather waste my time playing a kitty canon clone worth playing.