looks like a cool flash
Returning January 2005 (With A WAY BETTER LOOK)
Please visit Starting April 12th (Tomorrow Dummie :P) I will be doing daily updates on the project's status. Some of the site's features are not up yet, but will be in the near future.
looks like a cool flash
i hate previews like hell!
Why the fuck did u make this?
i hate previews. well whatever.
i like that u have used 3D flash, but ur real animations were really bad, try focusing more on *UR* graphics, coz u cant have a story line with only 3D buildings.
The artwork needs work. I hope you don't sound offended, but if you are going to spend 6 months making a movie, you need to learn to draw first. The animation and the 3d looked smooth, and the movie was constructed well.
The art looked... young.
The art I drew for the movie is at least 1 year old. So yes, it is young.