A fuckin classic.
Good job. I cannot wait for pt 2!
-!! OLD MOVIE !!-
This is a movie from my old site. (This is okay, I guess.)
I'm now experimenting more with hand-drawn flash. But don't worry, I'll still be doing the occaisional sprite movie!
A fairly random quest, where Link (From Zelda) gets trapped in many different
worlds, from various games, until eventually he finds a way out... But to his dismay, it is not quite
what he thought it was...
There's a small epilepsy warning with this...
[: UPDATE :]
A lot of my reviews for this movie have had talk of "Link's Quest for Ass". Until I'd submitted this movie, I'd never even heard of it, but, I found it on NG, and watched it, and was highly amused. Firstly to see me and Pitchblue were on the same wavelength, and secondly, just to say that: It goes to show they really don't make em like they used to.
And well yeah, enjoy it... It took me 2 days, yes, 2 DAYS! (about 21 hours of work in total) to make this, so I was quite impressed.
Make sure you see, or have seen, 'A 16-bit adventure' here, or on my site (see below). Though it's not as good, it coincides with the events of this.
More at:
Peace out
A fuckin classic.
Good job. I cannot wait for pt 2!
Well you're gonna have to, lol.
I don't think it's ever being released.
this was pretty damn good
i can kinda see why people have said youre ripping off Links Quest For Ass but then i guess people are way too quick to point a finger if they get the opportunity. i admit that it did remind me of LQFA while i was watching it but to be honest i think anything zelda related would do the same cos im damn obsessed with it. i have to say, im a huge fan of pretty much anything to do with the zelda franchise and i really enjoy the fan movies on newgrounds, particularly the sprites.
anyway keep up the good work and ill be looking out for the second part. just one tip: dont do a LQFA and wait for 5 years before telling us that the sequel wont be made. i will never recover from that lol.
Oh, I already said the sequel won't be made about 3 or 4 years ago.
I no longer make sprite moves tbh.
Cheers for the review though. Glad you liked it, I made it when I was well young ~
I must see part 2...
I must make part two...
that was a sick, twisted, vile ,vulgar disgusting, degenerate piece of work
i loved it!
I blame you for the downfall of society.
Thats right!
Mr. Belmont!
I liked the movie a bunch! I'm not even sure where Simon Belmont is from, but it was a good character to bring in. We already had all the regulars then Mr Belmont is whipping things to death with no face. Good times.
Keep up the good work :)
Castlevania ;)