You should finish!
I liked it, the windows looked great and the characters seemed interesting. But what was with the hair moving around so much that kind of bugged me. You should finish what you start.
LIke the last..
Something I was suppose to finish but never did..
Tell me what you all think though.
You should finish!
I liked it, the windows looked great and the characters seemed interesting. But what was with the hair moving around so much that kind of bugged me. You should finish what you start.
some feedback for ya
i liked the animation on it i thought it was good. BUT i think you would have better reviews and score if you finished the work. I think this would be a very good submission if you had a fight scene in it. I would vote it very high then. Just i think your main downfall was it was unfinished.
ha ha ha
I could never take a hunter serously if they had that voice, i was crackin up the whole time i was tryin to watch it, also the art kind of looked like one of those type scrollin games on the nes
i think you mean vanquished dude, not vanished
not bad, or good. you have room for improvement, it only goes up from here. keep practicing and you'll have a good one out.