Yea thats so ture!!!^_^u
Man u realy hit tha nail on that one babe!!
I just love all u'r flashes babe!!!^_^
We should chat some time
Lately I've been finding funny songs and making up something to go along with them. It's about two minutes long. It won't impress the shit out of you but it's worth a smile or laugh. The music video is about 2 minutes long. If you want something great check out my last movie "The Big Hit". It won an award.
Yea thats so ture!!!^_^u
Man u realy hit tha nail on that one babe!!
I just love all u'r flashes babe!!!^_^
We should chat some time
Let's hope that never happens!
God I hate Bill Gates and his monopoly over PC's (the only exception is Apple computers, but they're so expensive and there are barely any games for them). If Bill Gates ever gets complete monopoly over everything that's related to software and computer hardware, this is what will happen. Let's hope it will never resort to this.
Yes, Bill Gates is one... I guess normal guy
I've had weirder dreams, but this is funny in the way it reminds me of them. In dreams, you're doing something, and then out of nowhere you're doing something else. I've gone to school naked in dreams, and my teachers have been nude, and it all seems normal for that messed up stuff. Hell, I only live a couple hours away from the Rocky Mountains (I was born there too), and I've had a dream where a big horned sheep killed me (I woke up right before he hit me, but we all know that's what would have happened) on the prairie. Dreams are just messed up- or maybe me and Bill are, but whatever. Good job- and I really liked the way the graphics were drawn kind of scratchy, but in a non-crappy way. Keep it scratchy, not crappy.
Like your choice for music Yuna's Decision if I am not mistaken
very funny,hahaha
this has shamed FFX i believe .
WTF u had yo use FFX music?