lol lazlow is from chatterbox. if you have gta 3 you will get it...
Lazlow Radio #1 (Part 1/3 of Reed Tucker)
From GTA 3 Comes Lazlow Radio listen in as Lazlow Takes calls on his radio show...
~XwaynecoltX~ .... My (19th) Movie
lol lazlow is from chatterbox. if you have gta 3 you will get it...
kinda funny
the graphics were done good, no sticks or anything. the sound was nice and clear, there were a few jokes here and there so it was kinda funny.
it was kinda short and pointless, there isn't much story. we don't even know who this guy is, all we know is that he likes to do karate.
good but needs a little work
but if i wanted to hear that, i could just listen to 95.5 or the bob and tom show, it just seems like radio on tv, which i have to admit is a pretty bold step, but radio on tv just sounds wrong, if u try this again, take lessons from Taco-man.
it was good
but to keep ppl from bitching at you like the_phantom16 just put some probs to rockstar on it then you shouldnt have any trouble on that subject
hmm its more audio than flash
Not to be horrible but there wasnt much to this, I eman you simply cant really call just recording some stuff from a radio show a flash, and it isnt really your own work, but you still should have submitted it in the audio portal. Personally i love that radio and i laughed at all the ads such as the Bitchin dog food, but the graphics were drawn badly in paint while random cars just flashed by.
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