dude, you fcking suk
not because it was an ad for youre website, but because that was just plain ugly and stuipid.
UPDATE: Fixed the last button so it says "Enter" on all states. That's what I get for duplicating a button! Also, for you guys the site opens in a new window.
This is the intro to my upgraded website. I figured since the site got an upgrade, why not the Raven too? And the file size is small enough for you 56kers to appreciate! ^_^ Enjoy!
Movie Stats:
By: Marcus Raven
Music: Ironman Theme (1990s cartoon)
Frames: 590
FPS: 12
Length: 49.1 sec.
Layers: 8 (Including Masks)
Time Taken: 10 hours (Over 2 days.)
dude, you fcking suk
not because it was an ad for youre website, but because that was just plain ugly and stuipid.
Goddamn it!
See, I really wanted to like this movie, because I like ravens and because wailing guitar does, indeed, rule. However, I can't approve of any animation that is nothing more than an advertisement for someone's website. That sort of thing is specifically verboten. BLAM!
I have one thing to say...CRY!
Wailing Guitar Rules
Is this the start of a series? or something? I hope so. I wanna see him do some cool stuff.
weak dude....just weak
That shit was weak dude. Seriously. Come on. Don't waste your time on this shit. Make something worth watching!!
Then write a review that's worth reading. Seriously, at least say why you don't like it. And I didn't waste MY time. You wasted your own righting this review.
i dont get it, what is it like power rangers except with a bird?
No, it is just my website's mascot. I call my site Raven Animations, I go by Marcus Raven, and our mascot is a raven. Since I updated my site I updated the Raven.