nuttin to say..
it wus jus weird, not rly funny 0.o
This is a tribute to the life of my pal. He beat his own drum and made time stand still with his love for love and loving. That love eventually is what got him through the wind and rain, now he's bound for better days. It's his life and his dream, and nothings gonna stop him now! We're all proud!
nuttin to say..
it wus jus weird, not rly funny 0.o
One major problem.
Adding his face to random pictures makes him look like a pedophile for the most of it...with all those little kids...
hmmm not any animation or art but i gues its some kinda tribute of some sort.. i did give you some points for sound...
HAHAHAHAHAHAH i don't knwo what the fuck that was but was hilarious lol!!!!!!!!!!
Supermanred sucks balls!
This is for you supermanred:
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Eat shit and die cockface, you like aerosmith, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ha