Hi Kevin!!!
Hi Kevin it's me =)
Good job for a first try, your spelling hasn't changed
Are you going to have the second one up by any chance or what about your fbf work??
(if people who watched this accutaly come and read this)
the second episode is 3 quaters done and has the most amazing battle you will ever see in it the problem is that my bros computer has run out of memeroy(the comp with internet)so i have to wait till my computer gets internet before i can put this up and it will take awhile so if you hang in there it will come.
Hi Kevin!!!
Hi Kevin it's me =)
Good job for a first try, your spelling hasn't changed
Are you going to have the second one up by any chance or what about your fbf work??
potential ....yes, nice setup for the next one
short but good. interesting idea for a story(check spelling as well)
Next one should be good if its longer and expands on what is going on with them suddenly searching for the power(other than massive power.) As well, would the form of the pwoer be chaos emerald or similar and if not....super shadow/sonic
Has Potential
The sound was a little lacking but otherwise good. I look forward to your next submission.
Good Sprite movie
I thought It was interesting, good job.
I hope to see more of this.
could be longer but can't wait for the next
Yeah im gonna make my next episode longer the prob with this one was that the fight scene took ages to make so thats y i think it wasnt as long as i wanted to make it