YOUR MOVIES MAKE ALOT OF SENCE....................
THIS........THIS my friend is a work of art in some way.....but it is. this reminds me of a game called " GAMMA WORLD " where this has happened and u play it as a rpg. this is fantastic!!!!!
My first flash worth showing
Okay everyone i have a confesion to make, when i first started making this movie i didnt have any storyboard or ideas i just started animating randomly, this is probably why some people are confused about it, but when the ideas started flowing i could see the whole finished product. i didnt expect complaints on the length and then i had to watch every scene so many times that now the damn thing seems too short! thanks for all the reviews really thats all i wanted, to hear what other people could make of it.
movie facts
running length: 8:36
symbols: 248
frames: 7773
scenes: 11
time spent: 5 days
YOUR MOVIES MAKE ALOT OF SENCE....................
THIS........THIS my friend is a work of art in some way.....but it is. this reminds me of a game called " GAMMA WORLD " where this has happened and u play it as a rpg. this is fantastic!!!!!
How misanthropic
Ah, what fickle minds we repect so much that we are to be immune to any blame or guilt. Where the only thing that truly keeps us afloat is the illusion of sanity. BTW, you mentioned that you randomly animated and a storyline apeared? That is one of the better writing techniques out there (which also seems to work for animating flashes...). This technique worked so well for you that you might consider doing it more often. Be it randomly making flash, typing in word processors, or writing on loose-leef paper, I think you can be a top notch writer/philosopher/animater.
thought you might like this, it was not only my first flash but my first flash website, it was a school project...
has meaning
good work jereemy. that flash had some good meaning in it.well done
Is this really our destiny?
but i don't care
ps.wierd stick men!;)
I like the trees.
ps. your pale
hahaha i know i NEEED SUN!!!!