Nice so this was interesting it's notbad I do think it was fun but would have loved more interactive elements more intense visuals but besides that this was fun
Hi everyone, well its been a while since I was on ng, been busy with tafe and the rest, but it came to pass that I was asked to make a game where you control a helicopter, and need to keep it still to land it, and I've been hackin away at this for a day or two, and I just thought I'd waste all of you guy's time and get you to tell me what you think (please do!)
-theres no preloader, but its only, like 50k.
Nice so this was interesting it's notbad I do think it was fun but would have loved more interactive elements more intense visuals but besides that this was fun
rather challenging, good to see. what really would've been nice was some kind of sound or music.
With a game like this, instructions are very important. I was not to sure how to play the game, if you want to call it that. Just moving the mouse made the helilander move with it, and I could never get it to land. Work on the design aspects and this could be something. There were no sound effects, which could of brought up your score. I like the idea and having different degrees of difficulty is a plus. 4/10
It was pretty challenging.
Nice work man but you should put some stupid sound or something to annoy the gamers you know to make it harder and work a little bit on the graphics. Other than that cool game.
Nice game, but sdound would make it better, and all thelevels seemed the same, except from 5.