That was great.
Genocide yourself my friend.
That was great.
that seriously effected me, i no where those people are coming from, i had relatives in world war two, that reallly touched me, thanx dude, more people should be sending those kind of messages to todays youth
Nicely done
That's a powerful message your sendin out there :D
Nice message here, i like this... im agree with you at 100%, Too much people die for the human imbecility!!! want a skull for christmas???
You are a good boy!
Santa will give you the best skull of the year!
(I hope it will be G.W.Bush ones...)
Great concept, interesting choice
Nice to see something different on NG for once, especially something addressing a serious topic in today's world. Having read your responses, I do ask of you one question: if we forget what history has taught us, does that inherently lead to history repeating itself, possibly on a greater scale as the weapons of destruction and the stakes of power and finance get higher?
I am hoping to see a reply to my question, you seem like an intelligent induvidual who can see things for what they really are. A refreshing change from this generation of ignorance.
I'm sorry but my english is quite bad (I'm french...). I will try to reply...
First I agree with you : weapons of massive destruction will be use one day. And that day noone will learn the lesson. After the genocide of human race no one will understand the bad way to use all that stuff...but it will start again...finance will claim some wars..."just to maintain the economy"...and again and again humans will kill themselves...the question is : why? For what? For power? Nobody can have it. Nosens is standing at the edge of our life...can somebody kill him?
Really thanks for your review.