that rocked!
poor old Melv...serves him right for being so cute.
It's really good. Quite emotional sometimes too...
that rocked!
poor old Melv...serves him right for being so cute.
one word man . . .
Better than anything ever!
Where do you get the ideas from?? You must be SO COOL in person, and I wish I knew you so you could teach me how to be a perfect flash animator! I know the animation is not technically perfect, but the style you have is so brilliant! I seen movies on NG since day one, and I must say this is the funniest, most sick & twisted cartoon that has ever been here! And I'm sure a lot of people out there will agree on that one!!!
The BEST movie ever!!!!!
This is without a doubt the GREATEST flash movie I have ever seen!! I mean, you got an incredible style, and that twisted homour of yours beats everything I've seen before! (And I've seen a lot!) This is a genius' work, and I really hope to see more from Melvin & Co!!!!! Keep up the PERFECT work!!!
That was funny! To think his dad would "violate" his son's bear lol.... The graphics were above par nothing more though....
SUMMARY: Funny, yet twisted - decent graphics