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Joker North Show 1

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If you know the rules is very simple, but if you dont, youll get the rules very quickly ;) Enjoy (IS MOVIE NOT GAME)

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I'll say this out loud. It Sucked!!!1!1. This sucked the gay right out of the Liberaches anus (I hope RAB doesent sue me).

Uhm ...

Team Antonsen are great, but I must confess I prefer movies with a little originality. You just ripped the TV show idea.

Also, I doubt this makes very little sense for people who don't know the concept of the original Joker from Norsk Tipping, so ... If I were you, I wouldn't have posted this on an international site. It's about as funny as joking with Bondevik. It is fun if you know who he is, and everybody in Norway knows who he is, but it's not funny on an international stage. Just my opinion.

Great concept, but as we all know you didn't make the concept. And it's not as funny as the original.

Skybert responds:

I think you need to learn how to read. In the preloader it clearly says: "Thanks To: Team Antonsen for their idea, which we just copied :)" And which means that there is their concept. And we are just making a cheap "add-on" as you might call it. We also do salute the team antonsen team for this. We hardly take any credit for this ourselves.

Saying a things is it not funny is the most stupid and ignorant thing you can ever do. People have different meanings of whats funny and what not. So dont pull that one.

The jokes here are based out of the "Joker Nord" system. Which includes that a lot of weird things happen and you are not supposed to understand much of it (except the host).

And i point out once more. Its not a RIPoff its an ADD-on.

Not as good as the TV-show.

I was honestly expcting some more interesting swearing. By the way, I miss the pink gay joker. "Åh, nei herregud, du har fått hainn rosa homojokern! Neiåneiånei!" hehe


All i have to say is hahahahahahahahahaha
Very nice

cool :)

cool! But the sound might have been bether...

And i think this movie is way more funny for norwegians.

Keep up!

Credits & Info

3.16 / 5.00

Mar 9, 2004
3:52 PM EST