weird is right
This is kind of confusing and hyper, but I suppose the song is that way, if you want to drive someone to suicide, let them hear this song for a couple hours. This stuff is CRAZY! good job
I think Newgrounds has become too corrupt in its ways and I can no longer get a real review on my work, thus I'm leaving, most people wont care but *Typo it back see it here:
I'll be releasing a new cartoon reviews similar to Edge on there soon, hope to see you there
Toodles Newgrounds
weird is right
This is kind of confusing and hyper, but I suppose the song is that way, if you want to drive someone to suicide, let them hear this song for a couple hours. This stuff is CRAZY! good job
it certainly lived up to its name
good job
I wasn't ready for that
Oh for those look for the first two of these just serach author underscore. Shame you lost your paswword. YOu could have emailed the site admins for help. I need to go eat some sugar and watch this again so I'm all hyped up. I thought you did a good job having the animation going with the music.
Thanx, hyperness was kinda my aim in this one, Hyperness, sencelessness and general confusion and I think it worked, although to date my faveorite is WMV2
hey now
I happen to enjoy that song lol and yes there IS something wrong with me, and once you figure out what that is please let me know hahaha NARF!
I still find it scairy how this and other toons I have added about a year ago are still getting votes and reviews, but I aint complaining!
haha cool.
that was amusing the song freaked the hell outta my cat, you should have seen old mumphard run!!! (he hit a wall..) ahh the powers of annoying music....
WOOO! WE CAN RULE THE WORLD WITH THE ANNOYING MUSIC!...or...just get really annoyed by it...but ither way...WOOOO!