all around solidness
I really like that you didn't go cheap and use just black and white for the oldstock effect, SEPHIA! informative too, with a touch of humor! NA NANass~
A project I did for my history class. The teacher liked it so he's now going to show it as an educational video heh.
Not much else to say about it... if you like those 'old film' type movies you'll like this. Thanks for watching.
The Huron were AND still are a group of aboriginal people BTW.
all around solidness
I really like that you didn't go cheap and use just black and white for the oldstock effect, SEPHIA! informative too, with a touch of humor! NA NANass~
((( OK )))
Well the blac n white style was a good idea, but it just ran very slow, almost like if it was lagging but it wasnt, good story telling but just slow...
excellent in terms of history, damn good in terms of a flash.
not bad
Twas good, could have been a little better but hey, i couldnt do any better.
Go Huron, but
Go Iriqouis! Yeah. Awsome movie, but the Iriqouis pwn.