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Lord Of The Joints Ep:1

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yay 1,000 views(Read th whole comment thing)u want your clock in my next one send it to ivgotbawlz@hotmail.com come on people i think this movie could do better if you read the reveiws theres a way higher score than on the out of 5 part( i cant make any more unless this if u want to se the seccond better start to vote high(iv aleady thaught up the 2nd one and its way better than the first its like 5.00 matearial...
review if u dont like it!! if it doesent do well i will not be able to make any more because i am loosing space on my accout i need better ratings... i hope this does really well becuase i wont be able to submit the rest because my accout is loosing its space to upload i just barely got this one in its my firs parody of a movie this episode is called lord of the joints fellowship of the search i was going to name it fellowship of the blints but there was no bluntd in it ecept bluntclock (made up by me witch is an alter ego)wft ppl quit voting so low a bit of advice dont watch unless your a drug user!!!!!

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nuyhuhu! tat was funny, damn funny, but the animation is another word for dope. no offense. good job.

Eventhough I hate the clocks. . .

This was funny as hell. Oh and when he said "I want some of that good shit not that pussy shit" Oh that killed me. In that voice, oooo man. LOL. But at times I got confused at who was talking, you should indicate that better.

Unknown-Clock responds:

i managed to fix that on ep three becayse it mad more animation witch ment there was less things to complain about.. lol


That was good, but PRINT the Disclaimer, it makes it seem better. Also, 'discretion' sounded like 'dis-cree-shun'. Make sure you type in the words more like how they are said.

Unknown-Clock responds:

will do and thanks for the high-er vote most people vote really low cause their retarded


Who's talking? At first it was a little amusing but after the begining it wasn't making me laugh.

Unknown-Clock responds:

ya sorry i fixed all that after number 2


That was... interesting.

Unknown-Clock responds:

all i have to say is... lol

Credits & Info

3.36 / 5.00

Feb 27, 2004
9:06 PM EST