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Time Out's "The Bible"

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I have made this smaller thanks to some NG audio tips. The sound quality, however, still isn't great.

This is a surreal movie, and is not meant to be a mockery of the Bible, but a mockery of Time Life. However, most of it is Bible related humour, so if you are easily offended (and I mean REALLY easily, this isn't that offensive), I wouldn't watch it. Otherwise, enjoy.

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Jesus walked on water.

But Chuck Norris swam through land! Btw, blasphemy is claiming to be God. So technically that was heresy in the Ten Comandments scene.

Nice one.

I think it's is pretty funny.
But it's even funniƩr to read the reviews of the offended religious viewers. They just dont realize how pethatic they are. So fucking sad, but also fucking hilarious. HAHAHA. they think we go to hell, how cute.
The bible is just filled with fary tales no matter what the fuck some religios cunt says. PERIOD!!!!

burtonearny responds:

Hehehe, bless them, they're just sticking to their religious guns... though maybe instead of saying "God's going to bucking kill you you corking funt" (or something like that) they should just sit down, nod, then rant about it on GodTV (which, by the way, is a hilarious channel).

Plus, we all know what the best thing about Hell is... NO CHRISTIANS!... but seriously, the food.


you all suck cocks

that was funny as hell

A big spankin' 10 for the genius.

'Lo dude. I thought I'd put my opinion across on your first movie... It rules. As you know already, I be a Christian, and a Christian I be. This isn't a serious movie, for all you (now called) freaks, it's meant to make you laugh. Lighten up, dumbasses. Things people say are dumb. That guy who said he was Christian, and then said Hell wasn't real... dick. Anyhoo, my movies got blammed... So I make good ones too. See you tomorrow, dude. -Yoshi

burtonearny responds:

Cheers... uh, Yoshi apparently... what happened to mookie?

Great, but somthing I don't get

I think people are too touchy. I am a christian and found this pretty funny, especially the line about the blasphemy. Good work, and I also liked the way it parodied the Time series...and their tendency to up the price once you finally get around to wanting one of their videos. Nice work.

burtonearny responds:

Yeah, it's people who can't take a joke... and often are trying to make themselves look big by saying that they're Christians when they're clearly not, they're just wannabes with no life. True Christians can take jokes, and are tolerant of irritating bastards like me, hehe.

Credits & Info

3.56 / 5.00

Feb 19, 2004
3:26 PM EST