good job!
this makes a worthy opponent to MADNESS! :D
My friend has a bad internet connection so i uploaded for him here. He apologizes for the no loader because its his first movie and he doesnt know how to make one. Also, watch the secret ending.
good job!
this makes a worthy opponent to MADNESS! :D
preety good
this is realy good its not the smothest out of the movies but its realy good and youre the first person ive seen that uses needles as a quick move in the fight thts preety good but please spell kun fu correctly it is annoying
Xiao xiao I like
Even though you didn't start this, it's pretty good.
dude, im a fan of kung fu stick movies. i love xiao xiao and all the stick movies! your movie was pretty good
Vary nice for your first flash
Pretty nice for a stick movie, vary smooth animation and nice sound effects.