It's a -K-artoon
lol, you got to love that secret lower case letter! Too bad you got to wait till he finished speaking..
This was done out of extreme boredom. No Brians were hurt in the making of this movie : BE SURE TO PRESS THE SECRET BUTTON ON YOUR KEYBOARD FOR A SURPRISE! (Hint: It's a lowercase letter)
It's a -K-artoon
lol, you got to love that secret lower case letter! Too bad you got to wait till he finished speaking..
dude, that was god damn GENIOUS!!!! why didnt it get an award?
that was cool as a cheeseburger on steroids, and gavin cowles is gay!!!!!!13242!?!
lol quiet good for a 55kb movie :D (secret letter = k and brian gets blown to hell) 4/5 dude keep it up
I pressed k but nothing happens:(