Honestly, there was nothing funny (or even very Foamy-like) about this.
I was messing around with flash and lokking at some Foamy cartoon when I realize that Foamy was talking way too fast sometimes. Then some others idea came in my mind and I made this. Took me 5 hours and the great background was done by Jonathan Ian Mathers. The Music is also from the real cartoon.
I really enjoy this serie and you should have a look at it.
Thx for watching and leave a review.
Honestly, there was nothing funny (or even very Foamy-like) about this.
hehe this was pretty funny
There was a litle fucking around with Foamy, but you gave a link after all.
this is great! i love it!!!!!
from your great shark overlord,
not bad, my friend. ^_^
In fact, I thought it was ra-thar funny.
Keep it up, man!